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Wat is investeringscasting?

Investeringsgieten is a manufacturing process in which a wax pattern is used to shape a disposable ceramic mold. Then this is usually cast with molten metal, such as carbon steel castings, alloy steel castings and stainless steel castings.  This process can also be referred to as “precision casting” or “lost wax casting”.

Ningbo Investment Casting Co., Ltd
These castings are used around the world in a wide range of products and industries. For example, our investment castings play a crucial role in the in the industries of Landbouwmachines, Minerale verwerking, Mijngereedschap, Olie- en gasindustrie, Grondaangrijpend en zwaar materieel, Auto industrie, Spoorwegindustrie, Scheepsbouw Industrie, cementindustrie, energie-industrie, enz. Belangrijke producten zijn onder meer Raspstaven & -platen, Bi-metalen, Crusher & Shredder Onderdelen, Slijtvaste onderdelen, Hydraulische koppelingen, Klep- en pomponderdelen, Emmertanden & -adapters en ander gietwerk met machinale onderdelen.

Onze kwaliteitsproducten hebben bewezen uitstekende prestaties te leveren in deze industrieën gedurende 36 jaar sinds het jaar 1983. Een volwassen technologisch proces, rijke ervaring, professionele grootschalige productie, effectief kostenbeheer zorgden ervoor dat we over het sterke uitgebreide concurrentievermogen beschikken dat beter is dan andere fabrieken in deze roeping, dit alles komt niet alleen tot uiting in onze hoge kwaliteit, de meest aantrekkelijke prijs is ook ons ​​schatboek.
Most foundries and Investment Casting Factory in Ningbo even China that produce investment castings just do themselves to investment casting business only, do not equip with machining capacity, and even do not help customers to outsource machining service. There are even some investment casting foundries in Ningbo that only supply some single-type castings like different kinds of Bucket Teeth and Adapters. We’re always doing our best to devote ourselves to investment casting parts and do also help customers to do the finish machining as per their drawings. In order to save customers’ time and cost.
It is important for investment casting foundries to understand the drawing details and specification of the investment cast products from customers. Recent years, more and more foreign companies purchase castings from Chinese investment casting foundries. There are lots of benefits of making investment castings in China, low production cost and the enhancement of kwaliteitscontrole proces. With the good communication between Chinese foundries and customers will make all clear and avoid any misunderstanding, and in this way, we believe we could get more cooperation opportunities.

We zullen meer van dit soort vragen beantwoorden op onze speciale investeringsafgietsels op Contact US-pagina of neem per e-mail contact met ons op: sales@nbinvestmentcasting.com voor aanbieding.